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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to Ada Cascade AYSO!

Volunteer with AYSO

AYSO would not be what it is without our volunteers! 
In fact, year after year, parents tell us that the #1 reason kids play AYSO soccer is to have fun.  And the thing parents love most about AYSO soccer?  "Our coaches kept things really positive throughout the season."  Whether you know the game of soccer or not, you are qualified to be a coach!  And we guarantee that your child will remember forever that you stepped up to coach.  So please consider donating a bit of your time this upcoming season to make a difference in our community. 

On the fence about whether it's the right thing for you?  Check out our 'Why Coach for AYSO?' flyer:

Volunteer Coach Job Description

As outlined in AYSO’s national rules, it shall be the duty of each coach, referee, official, other volunteer, spectator, team member and other participant to, among other things:
- Conduct himself/herself in a manner becoming a member of AYSO and consistent with the AYSO Six Philosophies and the highest standards of conduct.
- Encourage clean competition and good sportsmanship.
- Prohibit and abstain from making negative comments and complaints about officiating.
- Present a healthy and safe athletic environment for team members, including but not limited to, not consuming alcoholic beverages, using tobacco products or smoking or simulating smoking or the use of tobacco products during practices or matches or in the immediate vicinity of the soccer fields.

It all starts with the coaches, though!

Therefore, in addition to the points above and those stressed in the position description and the national rules, AYSO Region 571 holds our volunteer coaches responsible for:
- Maintaining regular contact with parents (min. 1x or 2x weekly) with clear communication
- Committing fully to the season schedule
- Recruiting an assistant coach and other volunteers (refs, team parents)
- Creating a positive environment for the kids – make it fun!
- Elevating as necessary any issues with players, parents or AYSO volunteers

For more details about the job of Volunteer Coach, check out AYSO's official Coach job description.

>>> So, are you ready to jump in? >>>

How to register as an adult volunteer

In order to qualify as a coach, you must first be registered as a volunteer with AYSO’s national office.  They will collect information from you and conduct a background check.  If you were the one to originally register your child to play soccer, follow the steps on this page.  If you did not register your child, follow these steps instead.

Certification & training required

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to take training.  We pay for your training and it only takes a couple hours to complete from the comfort of your couch (2-3 hrs in total for Playground, 6U, 8U & 10U).   

Each coach will be required to take three online training courses:
1.      AYSO’s Safe Haven
2.      CDC’s Concussion Course
3.      Age-specific Coaches Training
4.      (optional but strongly recommended) AYSO’s Summary of the Laws of the Game

Note that 12U and 14U coaches must do the online courses above and attend an in-person course to complete their training.

Join our Board!
Maybe coaching isn't your thing but you still want to help make AYSO soccer successful?  There are lots of ways to get involved with our Board.  We have several roles that require a minimal amount of time but have a big impact.  Check out our Board positions here and reach out to any of us - you can find our emails in the Contact Us page - to discuss an opportunity to get involved. 

National Partners

Contact Us

Ada/Cascade AYSO - Region 571

Ada, Michigan 49301

Email Us: [email protected]
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